(function($) { "use strict"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ligthbox activation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.avia_utilities = $.avia_utilities || {}; $.avia_utilities.av_popup = { type: 'image', mainClass: 'avia-popup mfp-zoom-in', tLoading: '', tClose: '', removalDelay: 300, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation closeBtnInside: true, closeOnContentClick: false, midClick: true, autoFocusLast: false, // false, prevents issues with accordion slider fixedContentPos: $('html').hasClass('av-default-lightbox-no-scroll'), // allows scrolling when lightbox is open but also removes any jumping because of scrollbar removal iframe: { patterns: { youtube: { index: 'youtube.com/watch', id: function(url) { let m = url.match(/[\\?\\&]v=([^\\?\\&]+)/), id, params; if( ! m || ! m[1] ) { return null; } id = m[1]; params = url.split('/watch'); params = params[1]; return id + params; }, src: '//www.youtube.com/embed/%id%' }, youtube_shorts: { index: 'youtube.com/shorts', id: function(url) { let m = url.match(/(?:youtube\.com\/shorts\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)/), id, params; if( ! m || ! m[1] ) { return null; } id = m[1]; params = url.split('/shorts'); params = params[1]; return id + params; }, src: '//www.youtube.com/embed/%id%' }, vimeo: { index: 'vimeo.com/', id: function(url) { let m = url.match(/(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?(player.)?vimeo.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})\/(\w{6,11})[?]?.*/), params, vid; m = m ? m : url.match(/(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?(player.)?vimeo.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})[?]?.*/); if( ! m || ! m[5] ) { return null; } vid = m[5]; params = url.split('?'); params = params[1] ? "?" + params[1] : ""; if(m[6]) { vid = vid + (params ? params + "&h=" : "?h=") + m[6]; } else { vid = vid + params; } return vid; }, src: '//player.vimeo.com/video/%id%' } } }, image: { titleSrc: function( item ) { var title = item.el.attr('title'); if( ! title ) { title = item.el.find('img').attr('title'); } if( ! title ) { title = item.el.parent().next( '.wp-caption-text' ).html(); } if( typeof title != "undefined" ) { return title; } if( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'avia-mfp-show-alt-text' ) ) { return ''; } // @since check for alt attribute var alt = item.el.attr('alt'); if( typeof alt != "undefined" ) { return alt; } alt = item.el.find('img').attr('alt'); if( typeof alt != "undefined" ) { return alt; } return ''; } }, gallery: { // delegate: options.autolinkElements, tPrev: '', tNext: '', tCounter: '%curr% / %total%', enabled: true, preload: [1,1] // Will preload 1 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { //add custom css class for different styling if( this.st.el && this.st.el.data('fixed-content') ) { this.fixedContentPos = true; } let elementCustomClass = ''; if( this.st.el && this.st.el.data('custom_class') ) { elementCustomClass = this.st.el.data('custom_class').trim(); } else if( this.st.el ) { let element = $( this.st.el ), href = element.attr( 'href' ); if( ( href.indexOf( 'youtube.com' ) >= 0 ) && ( href.indexOf( '/shorts/' ) >= 0 ) ) { elementCustomClass = 'avia-mfp-is-video avia-mfp-video-9-16'; } } if( elementCustomClass ) { this.st.mainClass += ' ' + elementCustomClass; } }, open: function() { //overwrite default prev + next function. Add timeout for crossfade animation $.magnificPopup.instance.next = function() { var self = this; self.wrap.removeClass('mfp-image-loaded'); setTimeout(function() { $.magnificPopup.proto.next.call(self); }, 120); }; $.magnificPopup.instance.prev = function() { var self = this; self.wrap.removeClass('mfp-image-loaded'); setTimeout(function() { $.magnificPopup.proto.prev.call(self); }, 120); }; //add custom css class for different styling if( this.st.el && this.st.el.data('av-extra-class') ) { this.wrap.addClass( this.currItem.el.data('av-extra-class') ); } this.wrap.avia_swipe_trigger( {prev:'.mfp-arrow-left', next:'.mfp-arrow-right'} ); }, markupParse: function( template, values, item ) { if( typeof values.img_replaceWith == 'undefined' || typeof values.img_replaceWith.length == 'undefined' || values.img_replaceWith.length == 0 ) { return; } var img = $( values.img_replaceWith[0] ); if( typeof img.attr( 'alt' ) != 'undefined' ) { return; } var alt = item.el.attr( 'alt' ); if( typeof alt == "undefined" ) { alt = item.el.find('img').attr('alt'); } if( typeof alt != "undefined" ) { img.attr( 'alt', alt ); } return; }, imageLoadComplete: function() { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self.wrap.addClass('mfp-image-loaded'); }, 16); }, change: function() { if( this.currItem.el ) { var current = this.currItem.el; this.content.find( '.av-extra-modal-content, .av-extra-modal-markup' ).remove(); if( current.data('av-extra-content') ) { var extra = current.data('av-extra-content'); this.content.append( "
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