/* ======================================================================================================================================================
Avia Slideshow
"use strict";
$.AviaSlider = function( options, slider )
var self = this;
this.$win = $( window );
this.$slider = $( slider );
this.isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile;
this.isTouchDevice = $.avia_utilities.isTouchDevice,
//default preload images then init slideshow
container: this.$slider,
single_callback: function(){ self._init( options ); }
$.AviaSlider.defaults =
//interval between autorotation switches
interval: 5,
//start autorotation active or not
autoplay: false,
//stop on last slide - shortcut for stopinfiniteloop - kept for backwards comp. With 5.0 added extended support also for manual rotation
autoplay_stopper: false,
// @since 5.0 'endless' | 'once'
loop_autoplay: 'once',
// @since 5.0 'manual-endless' | 'manual-once'
loop_manual: 'manual-endless',
//set if the loop will stop at the last/first slide or if the slides will loop infinite
//set to false for infinite loop, "last" to stop at the last slide or "first" to stop at the first slide
stopinfiniteloop: false,
// true to ignore all user navigation
noNavigation: false,
//fade or slide animation
animation: 'slide',
//transition speed when switching slide
transitionSpeed: 900,
//easing method for the transition
easing: 'easeInOutQuart',
//slide wrapper
wrapElement: '>ul',
//slide element
slideElement: '>li',
//pause if mouse cursor is above item
hoverpause: false,
//attach images as background
bg_slider: false,
//delay of milliseconds to wait before showing the next slide
show_slide_delay: 0,
//if slider animation is set to "fade" the fullfade property sets the crossfade behaviour
fullfade: false,
//set to true to keep padding (e.g. for featured image slideshow, carousel slideshow
keep_padding: false,
//enable carousel mode with multiple visible slides
carousel: 'no',
// how many slides are displayed at once in the carousel
carouselSlidesToShow: 3,
// TODO: how many slides are scrolled in the carousel
carouselSlidesToScroll: 1,
// responsive carousel
carouselResponsive: new Array()
$.AviaSlider.prototype =
_init: function( options )
// set slider options
this.options = this._setOptions( options );
this.$sliderUl = this.$slider.find(this.options.wrapElement);
// slide elements
this.$slides = this.$sliderUl.find(this.options.slideElement);
// slide navigaton arrows wrap
this.slide_arrows = this.$slider.find( '.avia-slideshow-arrows' );
// goto dots
this.gotoButtons = this.$slider.find( '.avia-slideshow-dots a' );
//perma caption
this.permaCaption = this.$slider.find( '>.av-slideshow-caption' );
// slide count
this.itemsCount = this.$slides.length;
// current image index
this.current = 0;
// current carousel index
this.currentCarousel = 0;
// carousel slide width
this.slideWidthCarousel = '240';
//loop count
this.loopCount = 0;
// control if the slicebox is animating
this.isAnimating = false;
// css browser prefix like -webkit-, -moz-
this.browserPrefix = $.avia_utilities.supports('transition');
// css3 animation?
this.cssActive = this.browserPrefix !== false ? true : false;
// css3D animation?
this.css3DActive = document.documentElement.className.indexOf('avia_transform3d') !== -1 ? true : false;
//if we have a bg slider no images were preloaded yet. in that case start preloading and attaching images
if( this.options.bg_slider == true )
//create array that holds all image urls to preload
this.imageUrls = [];
//create a preloader icon to indicate loading
this.loader = $.avia_utilities.loading( this.$slider );
//preload the images ony by one
else //if it was a default slider all images are already loaded and we can start showing the slider
//kickoff the slider: bind functions, show first slide, if active start the autorotation timer
if( this.options.carousel === 'yes' )
this.options.animation = 'carouselslide';
//set the slider options by first merging the default options and the passed options, then checking the slider element if any data attributes overwrite the option set
_setOptions: function( options )
var jsonOptions = this.$slider.data( 'slideshow-options' );
// since 5.0 - render options via json to clean up html - $.data returns parsed object
if( 'object' == typeof jsonOptions )
var newOptions = $.extend( {}, $.AviaSlider.defaults, options, jsonOptions );
if( 'undefined' != typeof newOptions.transition_speed )
newOptions.transitionSpeed = newOptions.transition_speed;
return newOptions;
var newOptions = $.extend( true, {}, $.AviaSlider.defaults, options ),
htmlData = this.$slider.data();
//overwrite passed option set with any data properties on the html element
for( var i in htmlData )
// data attribute is transformed to lower case, but js is case sensitive - transform key
var key = ( 'transition_speed' != i ) ? i :'transitionSpeed';
if( typeof htmlData[ i ] === "string" || typeof htmlData[ i ] === "number" || typeof htmlData[ i ] === "boolean" )
newOptions[ key ] = htmlData[ i ];
if( 'undefined' != typeof newOptions.autoplay_stopper && newOptions.autoplay_stopper == 1 )
newOptions.autoplay_stopper = true;
return newOptions;
_prepareSlides: function(options)
var multiButtons = this.$slider.find( '.avia-multi-slideshow-button' );
if( multiButtons.length )
// prevent bubbling of click event to disable opening lightbox with video and show UI response
multiButtons.on( 'click', function(e)
var loader = $.avia_utilities.loading( $( this ) );
//if its a mobile device find all video slides that need to be altered
if( this.isMobile )
var alter = this.$slider.find('.av-mobile-fallback-image');
var current = $(this).removeClass('av-video-slide').data( {'avia_video_events': true, 'video-ratio':0} ),
fallback = current.data('mobile-img'),
fallback_link = current.data('fallback-link'),
appendTo = current.find('.avia-slide-wrap');
current.find('.av-click-overlay, .mejs-mediaelement, .mejs-container').remove();
if( ! fallback )
to an
if( fallback_link != '' )
if( appendTo.is('a') )
appendTo.attr( 'href', fallback_link );
// appendTo.find('a').remove();
appendTo.replaceWith( function()
var cur_slide = $(this);
return $("").attr( {'data-rel': cur_slide.data('rel'), 'class': cur_slide.attr('class'), 'href': fallback_link} ).append( $(this).contents() );
appendTo = current.find('.avia-slide-wrap');
if( $.fn.avia_activate_lightbox )
var image = '
var lightbox = false;
if( 'string' == typeof fallback_link && fallback_link.trim() != '' )
if( appendTo.is('a') )
appendTo.attr('href', fallback_link);
var rel = fallback_link.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i) != null ? ' rel="lightbox" ' : '';
image = '' + image + '';
lightbox = true;
if( lightbox && $.fn.avia_activate_lightbox)
if( $('html').is('.pointer-device-fine') )
// added when extension plugin is active
if( $('body').is('.avia-slider-video-controls-fix-support') )
avia_slider_video_controls_fix( this );
//start preloading the background images
_bgPreloadImages: function( callback )
this._preloadSingle(0, function()
//if we are using a background image slider, fetch the images from a data attribute and preload them one by one
_getImageURLS: function()
var _self = this;
//collect url strings of the images to preload
this.$slides.each( function(i)
_self.imageUrls[i] = [];
_self.imageUrls[i]['url'] = $(this).data("img-url");
//if no image is passed we can set the slide to loaded
if(typeof _self.imageUrls[i]['url'] == 'string')
_self.imageUrls[i]['status'] = false;
_self.imageUrls[i]['status'] = true;
_preloadSingle: function(key, callback)
var _self = this,
objImage = new Image();
if( typeof _self.imageUrls[key]['url'] == 'string' )
$(objImage).on('load error', function()
_self.imageUrls[key]['status'] = true;
_self.$slides.eq(key).css('background-image','url(' + _self.imageUrls[key]['url'] + ')');
if( typeof callback == 'function' )
callback.apply( _self, [objImage, key] );
if(_self.imageUrls[key]['url'] != "")
objImage.src = _self.imageUrls[key]['url'];
if( typeof callback == 'function' )
callback.apply( _self, [objImage, key] );
_preloadNext: function(key)
if(typeof this.imageUrls[key] != "undefined")
this._preloadSingle(key, function()
this._preloadNext(key + 1);
//bind click events of slide controlls to the public functions
_bindEvents: function()
var self = this,
win = $( window );
this.$slider.on( 'click', '.next-slide', this.next.bind( this ) );
this.$slider.on( 'click', '.prev-slide', this.previous.bind( this ) );
this.$slider.on( 'click', '.goto-slide', this.go2.bind( this ) );
if( this.options.hoverpause )
this.$slider.on( 'mouseenter', this.pause.bind( this ) );
this.$slider.on( 'mouseleave', this.resume.bind( this ) );
// activate permanent caption link of image
if( this.permaCaption.length )
this.permaCaption.on( 'click', this._routePermaCaptionClick );
this.$slider.on( 'avia_slider_first_slide avia_slider_last_slide avia_slider_navigate_slide', this._setPermaCaptionPointer.bind( this ) );
if( this.options.stopinfiniteloop && this.options.autoplay )
if( this.options.stopinfiniteloop == 'last' )
this.$slider.on( 'avia_slider_last_slide', this._stopSlideshow.bind( this ) );
else if( this.options.stopinfiniteloop == 'first' )
this.$slider.on( 'avia_slider_first_slide', this._stopSlideshow.bind( this ) );
if( this.options.carousel === 'yes' )
// recalculate carousel dimensions on viewport size change
// use on desktop only, debouncedresize fires on scroll on mobile
if( ! this.isMobile )
win.on( 'debouncedresize', this._buildCarousel.bind( this ) );
win.on( 'debouncedresize.aviaSlider', this._setSize.bind( this ) );
if( ! this.options.noNavigation )
//if its a desktop browser add arrow navigation, otherwise add touch nav (also for touch devices)
if( ! this.isMobile )
if( this.isMobile || this.isTouchDevice )
//kickoff the slider by binding all functions to slides and buttons, show the first slide and start autoplay
_kickOff: function()
var self = this,
first_slide = self.$slides.eq(0),
video = first_slide.data('video-ratio');
// bind events to to the controll buttons
//show the first slide. if its a video set the correct size, otherwise make sure to remove the % padding
if( video )
self._setSize( true );
if( this.options.keep_padding != true )
if( this.options.carousel === 'no' )
first_slide.addClass( 'next-active-slide' );
first_slide.css( {visibility:'visible', opacity:0} ).avia_animate( {opacity:1}, function()
var current = $(this).addClass( 'active-slide' );
if( self.permaCaption.length )
self.permaCaption.addClass( 'active-slide' );
self.$slider.trigger( 'avia_slider_first_slide' );
// start autoplay if active
if( self.options.autoplay )
// prepare carousel if active
if( self.options.carousel === 'yes' )
self.$slider.trigger( '_kickOff' );
_set_slide_arrows_visibility: function()
// special use case - hardcoded as only used in timeline
if( this.options.carousel == 'yes' )
if( 0 == this.currentCarousel )
this.slide_arrows.removeClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-next' );
else if( this.currentCarousel + this.options.carouselSlidesToShow >= this.itemsCount )
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.removeClass( 'av-visible-next' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-next' );
if( 'endless' == this.options.loop_autoplay || 'manual-endless' == this.options.loop_manual )
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-next' );
else if( 0 == this.current )
this.slide_arrows.removeClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-next' );
else if( this.current + 1 >= this.itemsCount )
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.removeClass( 'av-visible-next' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-prev' );
this.slide_arrows.addClass( 'av-visible-next' );
_buildCarousel: function()
var self = this,
stageWidth = this.$slider.outerWidth(),
slidesWidth = parseInt(stageWidth / this.options.carouselSlidesToShow),
windowWidth = window.innerWidth || $(window).width();
// responsive carousel
if( this.options.carouselResponsive &&
this.options.carouselResponsive.length &&
this.options.carouselResponsive !== null )
for( var breakpoint in this.options.carouselResponsive )
var breakpointValue = this.options.carouselResponsive[breakpoint]['breakpoint'];
var newSlidesToShow = this.options.carouselResponsive[breakpoint]['settings']['carouselSlidesToShow'];
if( breakpointValue >= windowWidth )
slidesWidth = parseInt(stageWidth / newSlidesToShow);
this.options.carouselSlidesToShow = newSlidesToShow;
// set width and height for each slide
this.slideWidthCarousel = slidesWidth;
// set width for the UL
var slideTrackWidth = slidesWidth * this.itemsCount;
this.$sliderUl.width(slideTrackWidth).css( 'transform', 'translateX(0px)' );
// hide nav if not needed
if( this.options.carouselSlidesToShow >= this.itemsCount )
//calculate which slide should be displayed next and call the executing transition function
_navigate: function( dir, pos )
if( this.isAnimating || this.itemsCount < 2 || ! this.$slider.is( ':visible' ) )
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// current item's index
this.prev = this.current;
// if position is passed
if( pos !== undefined )
this.current = pos;
dir = this.current > this.prev ? 'next' : 'prev';
// if not check the boundaries
else if( dir === 'next' )
this.current = this.current < this.itemsCount - 1 ? this.current + 1 : 0;
if( this.current === 0 && this.options.autoplay_stopper && this.options.autoplay )
this.isAnimating = false;
this.current = this.prev;
return false;
// check if we can rotate
if( 0 === this.current )
if( 'endless' != this.options.loop_autoplay && 'manual-endless' != this.options.loop_manual )
this.isAnimating = false;
this.current = this.prev;
return false;
else if( dir === 'prev' )
this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.itemsCount - 1;
// check if we can rotate
if( this.itemsCount - 1 === this.current )
if( 'endless' != this.options.loop_autoplay && 'manual-endless' != this.options.loop_manual )
this.isAnimating = false;
this.current = this.prev;
return false;
//set goto button
this.gotoButtons.removeClass( 'active' ).eq( this.current ).addClass( 'active' );
//set slideshow size if carousel not in use
if( this.options.carousel === 'no' )
//if we are using a background slider make sure that the image is loaded. if not preload it, then show the slide
if( this.options.bg_slider == true )
if( this.imageUrls[this.current]['status'] == true )
this['_' + this.options.animation].call(this, dir);
this._preloadSingle(this.current, function()
this['_' + this.options.animation].call( this, dir );
else //no background loader -> images are already loaded
//call the executing function. for example _slide, or _fade. since the function call is absed on a var we can easily extend the slider with new animations
this['_' + this.options.animation].call( this, dir );
if( this.current == 0 )
this.$slider.trigger( 'avia_slider_first_slide' );
else if( this.current == this.itemsCount - 1 )
this.$slider.trigger( 'avia_slider_last_slide' );
this.$slider.trigger( 'avia_slider_navigate_slide' );
//if the next slide has a different height than the current change the slideshow height
_setSize: function(instant)
//if images are attached as bg images the slider has a fixed height
if( this.options.bg_slider == true )
var self = this,
slide = this.$slides.eq(this.current),
img = slide.find('img'),
current = Math.floor(this.$sliderUl.height()),
ratio = slide.data('video-ratio'),
setTo = ratio ? this.$sliderUl.width() / ratio : Math.floor(slide.height()),
video_height = slide.data('video-height'), //forced video height %. needs to be set only once
video_toppos = slide.data('video-toppos'); //forced video top position
this.$sliderUl.height(current).css('padding',0); //make sure to set the slideheight to an actual value
if(setTo != current)
if(instant == true)
this.$sliderUl.avia_animate({height:setTo}, function()
if(video_height && video_height!= "set")
slide.find('iframe, embed, video, object, .av_youtube_frame').css({height: video_height + '%', top: video_toppos + '%'});
_setCenter: function()
//if the image has a min width and is larger than the slider center it
//positon img based on caption. right caption->left pos, left caption -> right pos
var slide = this.$slides.eq(this.current),
img = slide.find('img'),
min_width = parseInt(img.css('min-width'),10),
slide_width = slide.width(),
caption = slide.find('.av-slideshow-caption'),
css_left = ((slide_width - min_width) / 2);
css_left = ((slide_width - min_width) / 1.5);
else if(caption.is('.caption_right'))
css_left = ((slide_width - min_width) / 2.5);
if(slide_width >= min_width)
css_left = 0;
_carouselmove : function(){
// var offset = (this.options.carouselSlidesToScroll*this.slideWidthCarousel)*this.currentCarousel;
var offset = this.slideWidthCarousel * this.currentCarousel;
this.$sliderUl.css('transform', 'translateX(-' + offset + 'px)');
_carouselslide: function(dir)
console.log( '_carouselslide:', dir, this.currentCarousel );
if( dir === 'next' )
if (this.options.carouselSlidesToShow + this.currentCarousel < this.itemsCount)
else if( dir === 'prev' )
if( this.currentCarousel > 0 )
this.isAnimating = false;
_slide: function(dir)
var dynamic = false, //todo: pass by option if a slider is dynamic
modifier = dynamic == true ? 2 : 1,
sliderWidth = this.$slider.width(),
direction = dir === 'next' ? -1 : 1,
property = this.browserPrefix + 'transform',
reset = {},
transition = {},
transition2 = {},
trans_val = ( sliderWidth * direction * -1 ),
trans_val2 = ( sliderWidth * direction ) / modifier;
//do a css3 animation
property = this.browserPrefix + 'transform';
//do a translate 3d transformation if available, since it uses hardware acceleration
reset[property] = "translate3d(" + trans_val + "px, 0, 0)";
transition[property] = "translate3d(" + trans_val2 + "px, 0, 0)";
transition2[property] = "translate3d(0,0,0)";
else //do a 2d transform. still faster than a position "left" change
reset[property] = "translate(" + trans_val + "px,0)";
transition[property] = "translate(" + trans_val2 + "px,0)";
transition2[property] = "translate(0,0)";
reset.left = trans_val;
transition.left = trans_val2;
transition2.left = 0;
transition['z-index'] = "1";
transition2['z-index'] = "2";
this._slide_animate(reset, transition, transition2);
_slide_up: function(dir)
var dynamic = true, //todo: pass by option if a slider is dynamic
modifier = dynamic == true ? 2 : 1,
sliderHeight = this.$slider.height(),
direction = dir === 'next' ? -1 : 1,
property = this.browserPrefix + 'transform',
reset = {},
transition = {},
transition2 = {},
trans_val = ( sliderHeight * direction * -1),
trans_val2 = ( sliderHeight * direction) / modifier;
//do a css3 animation
property = this.browserPrefix + 'transform';
//do a translate 3d transformation if available, since it uses hardware acceleration
reset[property] = "translate3d( 0," + trans_val + "px, 0)";
transition[property] = "translate3d( 0," + trans_val2 + "px, 0)";
transition2[property] = "translate3d(0,0,0)";
else //do a 2d transform. still faster than a position "left" change
reset[property] = "translate( 0," + trans_val + "px)";
transition[property] = "translate( 0," + trans_val2 + "px)";
transition2[property] = "translate(0,0)"; }
reset.top = trans_val;
transition.top = trans_val2;
transition2.top = 0;
transition['z-index'] = "1";
transition2['z-index'] = "2";
this._slide_animate(reset, transition, transition2);
//slide animation: do a slide transition by css3 transform if possible. if not simply do a position left transition
_slide_animate: function( reset , transition , transition2 )
var self = this,
displaySlide = this.$slides.eq(this.current),
hideSlide = this.$slides.eq(this.prev);
if( ! displaySlide.data('disableAutoplay') )
if(displaySlide.hasClass('av-video-lazyload') && !displaySlide.hasClass('av-video-lazyload-complete'))
displaySlide.css({visibility:'visible', zIndex:4, opacity:1, left:0, top:0});
hideSlide.avia_animate(transition, this.options.transitionSpeed, this.options.easing);
var after_slide = function()
self.isAnimating = false;
displaySlide.addClass( 'active-slide' );
hideSlide.css( {visibility:'hidden'} ).removeClass( 'active-slide next-active-slide' );
self.$slider.trigger( 'avia-transition-done' );
if( self.options.show_slide_delay > 0 )
setTimeout( function()
displaySlide.addClass( 'next-active-slide' );
displaySlide.avia_animate( transition2, self.options.transitionSpeed, self.options.easing, after_slide );
}, self.options.show_slide_delay );
displaySlide.addClass( 'next-active-slide' );
displaySlide.avia_animate( transition2, self.options.transitionSpeed, self.options.easing, after_slide );
//simple fade transition of the slideshow
_fade: function()
var self = this,
displaySlide = this.$slides.eq(this.current),
hideSlide = this.$slides.eq(this.prev),
properties = {visibility:'visible', zIndex:3, opacity:0},
fadeCallback = function()
self.isAnimating = false;
displaySlide.addClass( 'active-slide' );
hideSlide.css({visibility:'hidden', zIndex:2}).removeClass( 'active-slide next-active-slide' );
self.$slider.trigger( 'avia-transition-done' );
if( ! displaySlide.data('disableAutoplay') )
if(displaySlide.hasClass('av-video-lazyload') && ! displaySlide.hasClass('av-video-lazyload-complete'))
displaySlide.addClass( 'next-active-slide' );
if( self.options.fullfade == true )
hideSlide.avia_animate( {opacity:0}, 200, 'linear', function()
displaySlide.css( properties ).avia_animate( {opacity:1}, self.options.transitionSpeed, 'linear', fadeCallback );
if( self.current === 0 )
hideSlide.avia_animate( {opacity:0}, self.options.transitionSpeed/2, 'linear' );
displaySlide.css(properties).avia_animate( {opacity:1}, self.options.transitionSpeed/2, 'linear', fadeCallback );
displaySlide.css(properties).avia_animate( {opacity:1}, self.options.transitionSpeed/2, 'linear', function()
hideSlide.avia_animate({opacity:0}, 200, 'linear', fadeCallback );
Video functions
//bind events to the video that tell the slider to autorotate once a video has been played
_attach_video_events: function()
var self = this,
$html = $('html');
self.$slides.each( function(i)
var currentSlide = $(this),
caption = currentSlide.find('.caption_fullwidth, .av-click-overlay'),
mejs = currentSlide.find('.mejs-mediaelement'),
lazyload = currentSlide.hasClass('av-video-lazyload') ? true : false;
if( currentSlide.data('avia_video_events') != true )
currentSlide.data('avia_video_events', true);
currentSlide.on('av-video-events-bound', { slide: currentSlide, wrap: mejs , iteration: i , self: self, lazyload: lazyload }, onReady);
currentSlide.on('av-video-ended', { slide: currentSlide , self: self}, onFinish);
currentSlide.on('av-video-play-executed', function(){ setTimeout( function(){ self.pause(); }, 100 ); } );
caption.on('click', { slide: currentSlide }, toggle);
// also if the player was loaded before the _bindEvents function was bound trigger it manually
if( currentSlide.is('.av-video-events-bound') )
//if we are on the first slide and autoplay is enabled and lazy loading is enabled we need to simulate a click event to the lazy load container
if( lazyload && i === 0 && ! currentSlide.data('disableAutoplay') )
//function that takes care of events once the video is loaded for the first time.
//needs to take into account 2 different scenarios: normally embedded videos or lazyloaded videos that start on user interaction/autoplay
function onReady( event )
//autostart for first slide
if(event.data.iteration === 0)
if( ! event.data.self.isMobile && ! event.data.slide.data('disableAutoplay') )
setTimeout( function(){ event.data.wrap.avia_animate({opacity:1}, 400); }, 50 );
else if( $html.is('.avia-msie') && ! event.data.slide.is('.av-video-service-html5') )
* Internet Explorer fires the ready event for external videos once they become visible
* as oposed to other browsers which always fire immediately.
if( ! event.data.slide.data('disableAutoplay') )
//make sure that the html5 element does not play if autoply is enabled but its not the first slide.
//the autoplay attribute on the video element might cause this
if( event.data.slide.is('.av-video-service-html5') && event.data.iteration !== 0 )
//make sure that lazyloaded videos always get started once a user clicks them
if( event.data.lazyload)
function onFinish( event )
//if the video is not looped resume the slideshow
if( ! event.data.slide.is('.av-single-slide') && ! event.data.slide.is('.av-loop-video') )
self._navigate( 'next' );
//safari 8 workaround for self hosted videos which wont loop by default
if( event.data.slide.is('.av-loop-video') && event.data.slide.is('.av-video-service-html5') )
if( $html.is('.avia-safari-8') )
setTimeout( function()
}, 1 );
function toggle( event )
if( event.target.tagName != "A" )
Slideshow control functions
_timer: function(callback, delay, first)
var self = this,
remaining = delay;
self.timerId = 0;
this.pause = function()
remaining -= new Date() - start;
this.resume = function()
start = new Date();
self.timerId = window.setTimeout(callback, remaining);
this.destroy = function()
//start autorotation
_startSlideshow: function()
var self = this;
this.isPlaying = true;
this.slideshow = new this._timer( function()
self._navigate( 'next' );
if( self.options.autoplay )
}, ( this.options.interval * 1000 ) );
//stop autorotation
_stopSlideshow: function()
if( this.options.autoplay )
this.isPlaying = false;
this.options.autoplay = false;
this.options.autoplay = false;
this.options.loop_autoplay = 'once';
this.$slider.removeClass( 'av-slideshow-autoplay' ).addClass( 'av-slideshow-manual' );
this.$slider.removeClass( 'av-loop-endless' ).addClass( 'av-loop-once' );
// check if we have a link for the image and set cursor
_setPermaCaptionPointer: function( e )
if( ! this.permaCaption.length )
var withLink = $( this.$slides[this.current] ).find( 'a' ).length;
this.permaCaption.css( 'cursor', withLink ? 'pointer' : 'default' );
// route perma caption to actual link of image, else allow bubble (e.g. for buttons)
_routePermaCaptionClick: function( e )
var active_slide_link = $(this).siblings( '.avia-slideshow-inner' ).find( '>.active-slide a' );
if( active_slide_link.length )
// jQuery trigger does not work !!!
// public method: shows next image
next: function(e)
this._navigate( 'next' );
// public method: shows previous image
previous: function(e)
this._navigate( 'prev' );
// public method: goes to a specific image
go2: function( pos )
//if we didnt pass a number directly lets asume someone clicked on a link that triggered the goto transition
//in that case prevent the default link behavior and set the slide number to the links hash
pos = pos.currentTarget.hash.replace('#','');
pos -= 1;
if( pos === this.current || pos >= this.itemsCount || pos < 0 )
return false;
this._navigate( false, pos );
// public method: starts the slideshow
// any call to next(), previous() or goto() will stop the slideshow autoplay
play: function()
if( !this.isPlaying )
this.isPlaying = true;
this._navigate( 'next' );
this.options.autoplay = true;
// public methos: pauses the slideshow
pause: function()
if( this.isPlaying )
// publiccmethos: resumes the slideshow
resume: function()
if( this.isPlaying )
// public methos: destroys the instance
destroy: function( callback )
this.slideshow.destroy( callback );
//simple wrapper to call the slideshow. makes sure that the slide data is not applied twice
$.fn.aviaSlider = function( options )
return this.each(function()
var self = $.data( this, 'aviaSlider' );
if( ! self )
self = $.data( this, 'aviaSlider', new $.AviaSlider( options, this ) );
})( jQuery );