(function($) { 'use strict'; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gallery shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_gallery = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var gallery = $(this), images = gallery.find('img'), big_prev = gallery.find('.avia-gallery-big'), prev = gallery.find( '.avia-slideshow-arrows .prev-slide' ), next = gallery.find( '.avia-slideshow-arrows .next-slide' ), thumbs = gallery.find( '.avia-gallery-thumb a' ), no_hover_effect = gallery.hasClass( 'no-hover-effect' ); if( next.length ) { gallery.avia_swipe_trigger( {prev:'.prev-slide', next:'.next-slide'} ); } //trigger displaying of thumbnails gallery.on( 'avia_start_animation', function() { images.each(function(i) { var image = $(this); setTimeout( function() { image.addClass('avia_start_animation'); }, (i * 110) ); }); }); if( gallery.hasClass('deactivate_avia_lazyload') ) { gallery.trigger('avia_start_animation'); } //trigger thumbnail hover and big prev image change if( big_prev.length ) { gallery.on( 'mouseenter', '.avia-gallery-thumb a', function() { var _self = $(this), newImgSrc = _self.attr('data-prev-img'), oldImg = big_prev.find('img'), oldImgSrc = oldImg.attr('src'); if( no_hover_effect ) { if( ! gallery.hasClass( 'av-force-img-change' ) ) { return; } } gallery.removeClass( 'av-force-img-change' ); if( newImgSrc == oldImgSrc ) { return; } big_prev.height( big_prev.height() ); big_prev.attr('data-onclick', _self.attr('data-onclick')); big_prev.attr('href', _self.attr('href')); big_prev.attr('title', _self.attr('title')); // copy lightbox attributes if( 'undefined' == typeof _self.data('srcset') ) { big_prev.removeAttr('data-srcset'); big_prev.removeData('srcset'); } else { big_prev.data('srcset', _self.data('srcset')); big_prev.attr('data-srcset', _self.data('srcset')); } if( 'undefined' == typeof _self.data('sizes') ) { big_prev.removeAttr('data-sizes'); big_prev.removeData('sizes'); } else { big_prev.data('sizes', _self.data('sizes')); big_prev.attr('data-sizes', _self.data('sizes')); } // since we have a hidden img to support scrset and sizes - fallback to old version if missing var newPrev = _self.find( '.big-prev-fake img' ).clone( true ); if( newPrev.length == 0 ) { var next_img = new Image(); next_img.src = newImgSrc; newPrev = $(next_img); } if( big_prev.hasClass( 'avia-gallery-big-no-crop-thumb' ) ) { // changed 5.4: https://github.com/KriesiMedia/wp-themes/issues/4028 // newPrev.css( {'height':big_prev.height(),'width':'auto'} ); newPrev.css( {'height':'auto', 'width':'auto', 'max-height':'100%', 'max-width':'100%'} ); } big_prev.stop().animate( {opacity:0}, function() { newPrev.insertAfter( oldImg ); oldImg.remove(); big_prev.animate( {opacity:1} ); }); }); next.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if( ! big_prev.length ) { return; } let current = big_prev[0].dataset.onclick, next_index = current; if( next_index >= thumbs.length ) { next_index = 0; } gallery.addClass( 'av-force-img-change' ); $( thumbs[ next_index ] ).trigger( 'mouseenter' ); }); prev.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if( ! big_prev.length ) { return; } let current = big_prev[0].dataset.onclick, prev_index = current - 2; if( prev_index < 0 ) { prev_index = thumbs.length - 1; } gallery.addClass( 'av-force-img-change' ); $( thumbs[ prev_index ] ).trigger( 'mouseenter' ); }); big_prev.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var imagelink = gallery.find('.avia-gallery-thumb a').eq( this.getAttribute('data-onclick') - 1 ); if( imagelink && ! imagelink.hasClass('aviaopeninbrowser') ) { imagelink.trigger('click'); } else if( imagelink ) { var imgurl = imagelink.attr('href'); var secure = imagelink.hasClass( 'custom_link' ) ? 'noopener,noreferrer' : ''; if( imagelink.hasClass('aviablank') && imgurl != '' ) { window.open( imgurl, '_blank', secure ); } else if( imgurl != '' ) { window.open( imgurl, '_self', secure ); } } return false; }); $(window).on( 'debouncedresize', function() { big_prev.height('auto'); }); } }); }; }(jQuery));