// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // contact form ajax // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { $.fn.avia_ajax_form = function(variables) { var defaults = { sendPath: 'send.php', responseContainer: '.ajaxresponse' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, variables); return this.each(function() { var form = $(this), form_sent = false, msgFieldsWithError = form.data( 'fields-with-error' ), send = { formElements: form.find('textarea, select, input[type=text], input[type=checkbox], input[type=hidden]'), validationError:false, button : form.find('input:submit'), dataObj : {}, withError: [] }, responseContainer = form.next(options.responseContainer).eq( 0 ); send.button.on('click', checkElements); //change type of email forms on mobile so the e-mail keyboard with @ sign is used if($.avia_utilities.isMobile) { send.formElements.each(function(i) { var currentElement = $(this), is_email = currentElement.hasClass('is_email'); if(is_email) currentElement.attr('type','email'); }); } function checkElements( e ) { // reset validation var and send data send.validationError = false; send.datastring = 'ajax=true'; // Get in js added element (e.g. from reCAPTCHA) send.formElements = form.find('textarea, select, input[type=text], input[type=checkbox], input[type=hidden], input[type=email]'); send.formElements.each( function(i) { var currentElement = $(this), surroundingElement = currentElement.parent(), value = currentElement.val(), label = surroundingElement.find("label").text().replace(/\*/g, '').trim(), name = currentElement.attr('name'), classes = currentElement.attr('class'), nomatch = true; if( currentElement.is(':checkbox') ) { if( currentElement.is(':checked') ) { value = true; } else { value = ''; } } send.dataObj[name] = encodeURIComponent(value); if(classes && classes.match(/is_empty/)) { if(value == '' || value == null) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_email/)) { if( ! value.match(/^[\w|\.|\-]+@\w[\w|\.|\-]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$/)) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_ext_email/)) { if( ! value.match( /^[\w\.\-ÄÖÜäöü]+@\w[\w\.\-ÄÖÜäöü]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$/ ) ) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_special_email/)) { // also allowed would be: ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Mail-Adresse#Der_Lokalteil_(Local_Part) if( ! value.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^_`{|}~ÄÖÜäöü]+@\w[\w\.\-ÄÖÜäöü]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$/ ) ) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_phone/)) { if( ! value.match(/^(\d|\s|\-|\/|\(|\)|\[|\]|e|x|t|ension|\.|\+|\_|\,|\:|\;){3,}$/)) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_number/)) { if( ! value.match( /^-?\s*(0|[1-9]\d*)([\.,]\d+)?$/ ) ) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_positiv_number/)) { if( ! ( av_isNumeric( value ) ) || value == "" || value < 0 ) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; send.withError.push(label); } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/captcha/) && ! classes.match(/recaptcha/) ) { var verifier = form.find("#" + name + "_verifier").val(), lastVer = verifier.charAt(verifier.length-1), finalVer = verifier.charAt(lastVer); if(value != finalVer) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(nomatch && value != '') { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } }); form.find( '.av-fields-with-error' ).remove(); if( send.validationError == false ) { if(form.data('av-custom-send')) { mailchimp_send(); } else { send_ajax_form(); } } else { if( form.is('.av-show-form-errors') && send.withError.length > 0 ) { var withErrorFields = send.withError.join(', '); var withErrorContainer = $('
').insertAfter( $(send.button).parent() ); let msg = msgFieldsWithError ? msgFieldsWithError + ' ' : 'Found errors in the following field(s): '; withErrorContainer.text( msg + withErrorFields); send.withError = []; } } return false; } function send_ajax_form() { if( form_sent ) { return false; } if( send.button.hasClass( 'avia_button_inactive' ) ) { return false; } form_sent = true; send.button.addClass('av-sending-button'); send.button.val(send.button.data('sending-label')); var redirect_to = form.data('avia-redirect') || false, action = form.attr('action'), label = form.is( '.av-form-labels-style' ); if( label ) { return; } responseContainer.load(action+' '+options.responseContainer, send.dataObj, function() { if(redirect_to && action != redirect_to) { form.attr('action', redirect_to); location.href = redirect_to; // form.submit(); } else { responseContainer.removeClass('hidden').css({display:"block"}); form.slideUp(400, function(){responseContainer.slideDown(400, function(){ $('body').trigger('av_resize_finished'); }); send.formElements.val('');}); } }); } function mailchimp_send() { if(form_sent) { return false; } form_sent = true; var original_label = send.button.val(); send.button.addClass('av-sending-button'); send.button.val(send.button.data('sending-label')); send.dataObj.ajax_mailchimp = true; var redirect_to = form.data('avia-redirect') || false, action = form.attr('action'), error_msg_container = form.find('.av-form-error-container'), form_id = form.data('avia-form-id'); $.ajax({ url: action, type: "POST", data:send.dataObj, beforeSend: function() { if(error_msg_container.length) { error_msg_container.slideUp(400, function() { error_msg_container.remove(); $('body').trigger('av_resize_finished'); }); } }, success: function(responseText) { var response = jQuery("